The hospital looked deserted, though he knew it wasn’t. It was just that floor. Silent, and dank, like a sepulchre.
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TRAPPINGS, by Fiona McCulloch
Is it no terrible that wir auld neebour’s deed, an he wisna aw that auld tae? Aye, terrible son. The pair sowel.
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THE ROSES AND THE WEEDS, by Elinora Westfall
She wishes that she had kept a written record of all the epic bloody nonsense that has come out of his mouth over the years because she could have gained some kind of minor social media fame and parleyed a book deal out of it to boot: Shit My Stupid Shag Buddy Says.
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ROOSTER, by Nikzad Nourpanah
After the meeting, I told Ramin, ‘You spoke well. You showed them who’s boss!’ ‘Why were you so quiet?’ he said, ‘you should’ve taught them a lesson, too!’ After this pointless exchange, we returned to our office.
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BOBBY, by Alison Theresa Gibson
Do you remember the day we met? You were driving a truck with CWA imprinted on the side. Country Women’s Association.
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THE RHYTHM, by Anu Pohani
It’s English class. You sit behind me. I start the note. Something simple. Not witty, how about – ‘good weekend?’ Your precise handwriting comes back, ‘pretty good. Soccer game.’
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GRASS, by Emma Purshouse
He’s trying to blank me, but when it becomes clear I’m not going anywhere, he answers, easing his hood up to cover his brass neck and baseball cap as he does so.
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