Human Error by Yanita Georgieva


human error

the details here 

are not important


maybe there was 

a washing machine

on the roof 


a cracked pot 

of blue jasmine

teetering over 

the parapet 


I was there

with my big


holding up 

my clown suit


the rain 

poured down

in ladles which 

is not important

unless there was hope

for a spotless exit


I see them now

the things I should have done


locked the roof garden 

twisted and pulled out

each tooth like a tick 

yelled about women
and cockpits and pecking

for worms


I should have

said something

better but

if you are wondering

if I waited



with the wilt 

of an abandoned 

tulip I waited

and waited

to be plucked out

of the mulch


for a swamp mouth

to open and call me

a good green thing

worthy of light



Yanita Georgieva is a poet and journalist. She was born in Bulgaria, raised in Lebanon, and is currently based in London, where she is pursuing a Creative Writing MA at Royal Holloway University. She is the recipient of the 2022 Out-Spoken Prize for Page Poetry. You can find her work in Poetry Wales, bath magg, Gutter Magazine, and elsewhere. 

8 June 2022